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A man with black hair and glasses, wearing a red polo shirt, smiling at the camera.

Dr. Girish Ganjyal

Dr. Ganjyal is an Associate Professor & Extension Food Processing Specialist in the School of Food Science at Washington State University and the Team Leader of the Food Science & Products Team.

A man with wire rim glasses smiling at the camera.

Dr. Juming Tang

Dr. Tang is a Regents' Professor and Chair of Food Engineering in the School of Biological Systems Engineering at Washington State University.

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Dr. Stephen Jones

Dr. Jones is the Director of the WSU Breadlab and a Professor in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Washington State University.

A woman in a dark colored sweater signing a book.

Kim Binczewski

Kim Binczewski works at the WSU Breadlab, assisting in the breeding program's field research, wheat and flour analysis, and organizing community outreach events.

A woman bending over a pizza oven, welding.

Janine Johnson

Janine Johnson is the Special Projects Lead for WSU Breadlab, which includes running The Breadlab Collective and developing web and social media content.

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Elizabeth Nalbandian

Elizabeth is a PhD student working with Dr. Girish Ganjyal researching ingredient functionality and product development - work mostly with alternative grains.


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Merri Metcalfe

Merri Metcalfe is a PhD student at WSU Breadlab working with Dr. Stephen Jones. Her research focuses on the accessibility, quality, and affordability of whole grain-based products from western Washington.


Robin Morgan

Robin is a graduate student working with Dr. Stephen Jones at the WSU Breadlab. He is working on the development of a perennial grain crop based on wheat and wheat varieties with purple, blue and black seed.

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